Tuesday 6 November 2012

Sapphire's sparkling brightly... It's your birthday!!

Living here has not made me home sick as such.  With skype, Whatsapp and BBM's, I am in as much contact with my family and friends as I was when I was at home.  Birthday's are difficult though.  You really miss not being there to celebrate them; especially when it is the children's birthdays.

Sapphire is our 8 year old niece and we would have loved to have been able to actually give our birthday presents to her, to watch her blow out her candles and give her lots of kisses... Sadly, it is this realisation that brings it all home about the time that we are missing, as pretty soon she will be too old for us to do that. 

Last year, we threw a big fireworks party, invited all of our friends and their kids.  It was the birthday weekend for both Sapphire and George (Ian's godson who is the same age as Sapphire, born yesterday), so I also made a birthday cake, topped with rich buttercream icing and laden with sweets.

This sat proudly in the middle of the island in the kitchen, with all the children asking if they could eat a bit, or take one from the mountain of sweets from off the top or "even just one of the candy canes..." as one of the kids kept begging.

About 40 adults and half again of children crowded around the island in our kitchen to sing happy birthday to Sapphire and George, before they jumped down to yank the wrapping off their presents whilst they sat on the floor showing everyone, and then back up on the kitchen stools to wait whilst the cake was given out.

Whilst it was amazing to think that I had made this cake which all the kids cannot wait to eat, I soon found out why it is not so good to give kids too much sugar.  0-60 in 5 five minutes I would say is a good analogy.  Total and utter loony juice;  the kids started running around, tomato sauce was spilt on the sofa AND the ceiling (don't ask!) and the volume level went up substantially as they all screamed and shouted at each other to make themselves heard.

Over here, kids have not got to the age that Sapphire and George have, so we don't get the excitement build up that you have at 7 or 8 years old - the count down of 'sleeps' knowing that you are going to have your own special day that is all about you.

So to Sapphire and George, whilst I am sure you did not really notice our absence, we noticed yours over the last couple of days.

We are so sorry to have missed your birthday and really wish we were there to have had with you.  We love you sooooooo much!



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