Friday 16 November 2012

Ladies Night!

Tuesday nights in Dubai means only one thing... Ladies Night.  A night when women all over Dubai, put on their glad rags to go out for a night of free booze, fun and frolics.

Yes, you heard me correctly, Ladies Night in Dubai means that my group of girls had a whole night out for 5aeds (£1) - And this was just for our taxi kitty.  Seriously.  I got home about 12.30pm - It would have been later as I had orroriginally planned except for the toast and marmite that was calling me.

Blends at The Address
Actually, Ladies Night is not just a Tuesday night phenomenon.  You can find at least two bars every single night of the week that offer free drinks to women and this does include weekends.  The reason that Tuesday in particular is termed Ladies Night, is because there are so many bars which all compete for your patronage.

First we hit Blends at The Address in Dubai Marina.  This is a bar that we normally go to on a Wednesday for our free Salsa lesson and then dance the night away with two free cocktails.  On a Wednesday, the bar is heaving - Standing room only.  This Tuesday however, this was not the case, although in fairness, we had been told we went there too early.

Blends at The Address
Blends is a big bar.  One of the biggest in fact.  As you walk in, there is one long bar to the left of you, lit up in white with rows of spirits on the wall behind it.  Half of the bar is taken up with dancefloor.  Ladies night cocktails are Strawberry Daiquiris or Margaritas.  Playing it safe, and remembering my abhorrent aversion to tequila the morning after the night before, I chose the Strawberry Daiquiri despite the fact I detest strawberrys.
Now, I had previously been told that I would not be able to taste the alcohol.  Happily though this was not the case as it completely masked the taste of strawberrys.  When poured, it kind of had to be eaten.  It was more of a pink alcoholic melted sorbet - Completely my thing!

Whilst Blends do provide you with unlimited refills (you just have to take your glass to the bar), we only stayed for a couple as it was just too quiet, and took a 10aeds taxi to Senyar at the Westin hotel.

Here, you are given three tickets which you are able to redeem against either house red, white or bubbles.  Clearly I chose the bubbles, all three times.

The Westin
Senyar is a lot smaller than most bars and always packed.  It is also full to the brim of people scoping the room for what we laughingly termed as 'their kill'!  with the men buying whatever expensive drink it is that they want, and the women with their beer goggles taking into account men, that ordinarily they would never consider.  Whilst this bar was not made up of only English (there are lots of locals, Asians, Indians and Europeans too), the later it got, it did remind me of Brits abroad all-be-it WITHOUT the 18-30's element.

I had a great night.  The drink was flowing, I spent just £1 on a taxi, and the group and myself didn't stop laughing.  Sadly, Ian didn't join us.  he finished work and just couldn't be bothered to come across the road to meet us.  That's not to say he won't next time though!

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