Friday 2 November 2012

Irish Village

Throughout the world, last week Muslims celebrated the holy weekend of Eid with big celebrations which include their families and friends.  In Dubai, this meant a long weekend and a weekend packed full of parties and lunches and basically being out with friends.

Ian and I have been really lucky.  All expats here are really friendly, and we were invited to a Christening on Friday and the catered BBQ after.  The food was fantastic, and the company even better.  That evening it was on to another party to celebrate a birthday.

The Saturday heralded lunch at Irish Village.  I love the story as to how Irish Village came about.  In a very short version, legend has it that the Sheikh saw Shannon Airport, met with the builder and said that was what he wanted in Dubai.  He was so impressed with Dubai Airport once it was built that the Shiekh gave the builder Dubai Duty Free therefore overnight, turning him into a multi multi millionaire.  As a thank you, and knowing that the Sheikh loves Ireland, the builder built him Irish Village.

Basically, Irish Village is one big pub which has been built with a facade of that of an irish village (I bet you didn't see that one coming!).  

Outside is a huge paved area, besides which sits a pretty lawn and a large duck pond.  The ducks wonder around the garden providing lots of photo opportunity for tourists, whilst several very friendly cats roam around the tables looking for scraps of food or people that fall for their soppy looks and give them food.  It is the closest thing to an actual beer garden that we have found so far in Dubai.  

For us, on the Saturday, there was a lot of heavy drinking involved in the day although Ian did tweet about the fact that a Magners was £10 a bottle.  Well, what he actually said was "Just ordered dos Magners.  Then the barman pulled my pants down and slapped my arse!!!! 10 squid a bottle....."   We also ate there. with main courses being aprox £14.  The food, whilst much better than 'pub' food at home, was average for Dubai, but as per the norm over here the portions were huge. 

All in all, the bill came to 1,500aed.  Which split between the six of us, came to 250aed or £43 each.  Three BOGOF vouchers were used, so we had three main courses for free, but considdering the amounts of alcohol that were consumed, it was very good value for money.  We had afterall arrived there at 1pm and left at 6pm.  I could have stayed there longer but the general consensus was that it was time to leave.  The atmosphere was buzzing and when we left, there were no vacant tables, with people sitting on the grass beside the pond drinking.   All in all, an excellant weekend!

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