Monday 20 April 2015

The miracle that is Laura Mercier’s High Coverage Concealer for Under Eye

So the reason I have been MIA is that I have been really ill.  I have had a chest infection that turned into a four-day migraine – Which left me three hours ago and counting.  Sadly, with tossing and turning of not being well, plus the hacking cough that preceded it, means virtually no sleep for me for about a week.  In turn, I look very much like Cousin It, who has ten rounds with Tyson judging by my big black panda eyes.  Not a good look for anyone, especially when you are in media and everyone expects you to look like you have stepped from the pages of Vogue every day…

Following much whining by me, my wonderful husband returned from a daddy daughter-bonding afternoon at the shops with Laura Mercier High Coverage Concealer for Under Eye cream.  He did admit that I would need help on my return to the office if anyone was to take me seriously and was told by the lady in the shop that this would help – I must have looked a sight if he thought I needed an intervention!

Despite getting up late and not wanting to make an effort for the office, I did put make up on.  Admittedly, I didn’t do the ‘full face’.  I put the concealer cream on lightly under my BB cream setting it with a dusting of powder, but the change was instant.  Immediately my eyes were very much brighter, the dark circles underneath gone.  This coupled with my mascara helped my tired eyes pop.  I will definitely be incorporating this into my makeup routine moving forward and  I am very much looking forward to seeing it with a full face of makeup (which will be tomorrow when I have a day full of meetings). 

Anyway following a day in the office, my hair is still a mess.  I looked pretty exhausted when I got home, but the cream that I applied at 8am this morning was still in place.  In fact, having removed it 12 hours later, I can see just how tired I really am.  And on that note, I am off to bed.

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