Sunday 21 October 2012

Date Night! Amwaj Rotana - Rosso

Last Tuesday was date night.  We wanted a nice setting which is licensed and serves good food.  I liked the idea of linking in Ladies Night somewhere, so Ian and I headed off to the Amwaj Rotana Hotel in JBR, and took the lift up to their bar, Rosso.

Rosso is a very decadent bar, with the large bar in the centre of the room all lit up to show the bottles of liqueur, yet in Ian's words "moody lighting" throughout the seated section, the darkness making everyone without exception and including us, dripping with sweat, look more attractive.

We have previously been to the bar itself on a Friday night.  It was rammed to the rafters with standing room only.  At the time of arrival, it was happy hour (daily 6pm to 9pm), so it was buy one get one free.  The best news about this happy hour, is that it had even included various cocktails;  Or at least versions of them, although I would personally stay clear of the Vanilla Cosmopolitan.  The vanilla was far too strong and overpowers the drink, leaving an acrid aftertaste in your mouth.  That said, I should have known better - why mess with perfection in a martini glass?!?!  

On this Tuesday ladies night though at 8.30pm, (every Saturday to Wednesday, 9pm till closing, 2 free drinks for women), the bar on arrival was rather empty as well as being very chilly with the aircon up rather high.  To the left of the bar as you walk in, is a wall of glass which leads out to a lovely grassed roof terrace, with holds more tables and chairs that were  rapidly filling. 

The beauty about this area is not just the pretty white fairy lights that wind up the palm trees lending the area a lovely romantic feel, but also the fact that the tables are spaced so that you can not hear the table next to you, let alone get food envy from the food that is delivered to them as it can not be seen.

People of all ages come here of an evening to eat and drink.  Children could be seen playing quietly with their toys on the grass fighting tiredness, whilst the adults talked and ate (and drank - lots).  Birthday dinners with groups of people laughing and joking whilst the singer and the guitar player play on in the background not being too obtrusive.

The service here was a little on the slow side again.  I am however noticing that this is a recurring theme in most places, so I am beginning to wonder if my London sensibilities need to be toned down to cater for this, i.e  am I just too b***** inpatient?! 

The drinks took a while to arrive and the food even longer, meaning we devoured the (complementary) homemade bread, cheese, and tapanard long before the starters came.  

Ian had the duck breast to start which was artistically plated.  The flavour was divine, and the also very tender.  To follow he had the Lasagna, which he thought whilst very nice, was not as flavoursome as he would have liked.

Ian's duck breast starter

I had ordered a salad with artichokes and various other things, but instead I was brought a Insalata rucola.  I did complain to the waiter, who asked if I wanted to return it, but having heard about the penalties the staff may face from other expats, I declined.  This proved very advantageous to us as he ensured that we were well watered with a couple of free drinks for us both.  

My main course was the Penne Integrali, which was lovely.  It was the first time since being in Dubai that my pasta has not been overcooked which made for a very pleasant change.  For some reason, Al dente is not a phrase which the majority of chefs out here seem to understand.

At the end of the night, our bill came to 463aeds, which is about £84, with the salad changed to the one that I had eaten as opposed to ordered.  However, this did included a bottle of wine and sparkling mineral water, both of which come at a premium in Dubai.  It did not though include our free drinks, or the 15% discount that we obtained whilst using the Emirates Platinum Card.  This took the bill down to 394aed or £70.  My mission is now, to determine exactly where accepts these cards and the discounts available for them!

On leaving the bar, at about 10.00pm which is rather early by Dubai standards, we did notice that it had got considerably busier.  All the tables were taken outside as were the majority of tables inside, with a handful of people standing up at the bar.  
My prediction would be that as winter progresses, this bar will increase in popularity so I must remember to book in advance. 

Now onto more pressing matters... Eid this week.  This means a long weekend which Ian gets off.  What to do?!?!

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